Monday, December 13, 2010

Pleasant Street Christmas Tree Farm

The girls started off the week getting into the Christmas spirit with Nina, who took them to Michael's to pick out holiday crafts :-)

On Saturday, we returned to Pleasant Street Christmas Tree Farm in Rehoboth, MA, to cut down our tree. It didn't take us long to remember where we tagged it in October. It was a perfect, 45-degree day, which we enjoyed while waiting for the tractor and sleigh to arrive with the "elves" who cut down our tree. Claire was a bit stunned and Belle did well, but declared she doesn't want to come back next year because the tractor was loud and bumpy.

After rearranging the house to make the tree fit - and doing some massive cleaning in the process - it was time to bring the tree in! Claire didn't care too much about it - though she does want to knock down and/or eat as many ornaments as she can find. Belle was more more interested in helping to decorate, finding just the right place for her trinkets and placing them on the branches herself. And both girls occupied themselves with drawing while Daddy strung the lights and hung the beads...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Over the River(s) and Through the Woods... Great Grandma Sina's house we go...and Bubbe's house...and Great Grandma Fiorelli's house...

We made it! After 29 hours in the car spread over the course of one week, we survived - and thrived! Thank goodness for a DVD player in the car because while the girls didn't nap, they were perfect! No crying, no fights; in fact, they were calmer and more patient than Mom and Dad who were tired of sitting in the car and driving all over the country. Okay, so we only drove to Sodus Point, NY; Ann Arbor, MI; and Binghamton, NY - and then back home - but it sure felt like we crossed the globe.

Here are a few of our favorite images from the week - we hope you enjoy them! :-)

At Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Sina's House...

 And Bubbe's...

 And finally at the Fiorelli's...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween 2010

The girls had no interest in dressing up and going trick or treating this year, but luckily, we got some pictures of them in their costumes while Bubbe was in town...And the girls did have fun chasing each other around the house in their pj's, in between helping Mommy and Daddy answer the door and give out candy to the trick or treaters. Belle decided it looked like fun and she'd like to try next year...

 Belle had to try on the headband first, with her jammies...
 ...and then the dance...

 Modeling with Bubbe!
 Painting with Nina - we have one brave nanny!
 Posing for Nina...
 Mommy in her costume...
 Daddy trying to get Belle to wear her costume by wearing her headband...
 The Griffith Girls take a break...
 Running around to burn off energy from all that Halloween candy...
"What's the next thing on the agenda? Who's going to come to the door next?"

Monday, October 18, 2010

Christmas Tree Tagging!

On Sunday, the family took a drive to Rehoboth, MA and the Pleasant Street Christmas Tree Farm where we got to walk around and tag the Christmas tree we'll bring home in December.

Here are a few favorite images of our day...

 Daddy saying hello to the goats and the bunnies...
 Claire wondering if she can eat the feed that Mommy just fed to the goats...
 Christmas tree tagging is serious business...
 This really isn't all that exciting...
 Here, Dad, I saw a good one over here...
 Those are some big wheels...
 Aw, we found the perfect tree!
 Now let's go home...
 But first I need to touch all the trees on the way back...
 Come on, Mom and Belle-Belle...
 An attempt at pictures of the Griffith girls...
Who knew it would be so hard to find the perfect tree, one that wasn't too tall or short, too fat or too crooked.

The girls lasted about 30 minutes on a beautiful, brisk Fall day before we headed back to the car with the promise to return for the tree cutting by the elves and a sleigh ride!