Monday, September 28, 2009

21 Months!

Hard to believe that Annabelle is 21 months old today -where has the time gone?! It's been an amazing week with both girls. Annabelle is breaking out of her shell and becoming more comfortable in a lot of aspects. She now climbs off the couch with ease and is working on climbing on as well. She loves to run and jump outside, and is having a great time at Gymboree. She's still not a fan of the air log and is terrified of the parachute but she laughs, dances, runs and plays with the toys - we're so proud! Claire, for her part, is almost ready to crawl. She will lean forward and put her legs under her to reach for things and loves to rock on her knees and hands.

Daddy took Friday off so we were going to go to the aquarium but with naps being the way they were, instead we went to Mansfield Crossing as a family and had a great time! We had our first restaurant experience with both girls at Friday's! They were fantastic. Belle ordered from the kids menu, played with crayons and drank Mommy's slushy. Claire spent part of the time playing in her stroller and the rest trying to steal french fries while sitting on Mommy's lap. Then, we went to Petco and looked at all the animals - birds, fish, hamsters, guinea pigs, reptiles, mice, etc. We liked the fish the best!

Here are some of this week's favorite pictures...

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Drool Twins!

Annabelle and Claire are full-fledged drool twins this week. Both are keeping Mommy chained to the washing machine with all the clothes they are soaking - but they are both so darn cute!

Unfortunately, they're also sharing the same cold too, so runny noses, sneezing and coughing are the soundtrack in the Griffith House - and sleep deprivation is the name of the game.

It's been a week of firsts too. During family pictures last weekend, Belle started running around outside on her own, a first, and she was a big girl earlier in the week and stood next to Mommy in the post office and then walked back to the car too! We've also been enjoying blowing bubbles and using sidewalk chalk in the driveway, so much so that we never want to go back inside these days...
Claire is getting ready to crawl, going from sitting to the crawling position and then stopping, usually because she's distracted by a toy her sister has that she wants to try to grab. She's also been watching her sister get off the couch by herself this week and is anxious to try the same feat - much to Mommy's chagrin...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Six months already!

Hard to believe but Claire is six months already! At her six-month check-up yesterday, she officially went from "Tank" to "Super Tanker" according to Patrick, measuring up at 17 pounds 3 ounces (73rd percentile) and 27.25 inches (92nd percentile). She's happy, healthy and was a real trooper with her vaccinations and flu shots. Annabelle was a big, brave girl as well, coming with us so she could get her flu shot. I'm such a proud mama!

Annabelle fell asleep on the couch while eating lunch...

Claire eating the blocks Grandpa Sina made...

...and modeling the dress Grandma Janice sewed...

Loving her cake! :-)