Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Week of Firsts...

This weekend we went to visit the Kondrats this weekend and met Baby Zach for the first time. Boy is he cute. Claire already has a crush and Belle was mesmerized that another baby existed!

Annabelle (and Claire) had her first Gymboree class yesterday. She clung to Daddy like "Cling Wrap" and cried when she was put down but we're going to press on and keep trying. She liked watching all the activities but was so shy that we've decided to bring her to a couple of Open Gym times to ease her into the environment and start classes in September. Yesterday, Daddy also taught Belle how to climb the stairs herself. And, she's mastered feeding herself applesauce and chicken nuggets. Where's our little baby? Not to be outdone, Claire wanted to feed herself too!

Claire's growing and changing too. She rolls and rolls and rolls (thus, her first header off the couch this week - ouch!) and she's starting to become attached to a couple of her loveys like her bunny and her puppy. She's also starting to notice Reilly and wanted him to lick her face today! She's entered the teething stage so all hopes of her sleeping through the night anytime soon seem to be fading but we're slowing adjusting and keep reminding ourselves that it's all temporary.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere!

Claire's only happy standing this week - or trying to escape from her chair...unless you surround her with stuffed animals on the floor and then she'll giggle forever!

Both girls are still giving Mommy and Daddy (mostly Mom!) a run for their money as they don't want to sleep. Belle's having separation anxiety in her crib at night and Claire's so hungry that no amount of rice cereal in the bottle, meals during the day, 6-ounce bottles or increased doses of Prilosec can cure so back to the doctor for advice. They said to give her until 5 months but what do we do then? Ah, the joys of parenting...

Annabelle still doesn't like walking around on the grass without assistance but loves playing on the deck or the front porch. The new word spoken constantly around the Griffith household is "Bubbles!" which can either mean bubbles or goldfish, from her book, "B is for Bear," since her favorite page reads, "G is for Goldfish, blowing bubbles of air." She's also taking to watching "Baby" like a hawk and needs to know where she is or what she's doing at all times!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

So big!

Claire is such a big girl. At her 4-month check-up this week, she weighed in at 13 pounds 14 ounces (53rd percentile) and 25.25 inches (81st percentile)! Wow! She truly will be bigger than her big sister in no time! She also started eating veggies this week; so far, she's a big fan of carrots and sweet potatoes.

Belle's slowly getting more used to being outside and loves walking around the house with Mommy - with one hand of course! She's also started climbing into Mommy's lap this week, to read a book, watch tv or just cuddle - so sweet!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Week of Milestones!

Claire turned four months old on July 4th! Where has the time gone?

Annabelle had her 18-month check-up and now weighs in at a whopping 20 pounds 6 ounces, standing at 30 inches. She wanted to go back to the "cah" as soon as we entered the office but after Dr. Hyde gave Raffi a check-up, Annabelle did okay too. No shots, which made it easier.

Claire had cereal for the first time this week! She didn't like rice cereal too much but seems to enjoy the oatmeal. Of course, somehow it's making her hungrier so she eats cereal for dinner and then 10 more ounces of formula before going to bed - and she's still awake at 2:00 a.m. for another 4 or 5 ounces! It's taking its toll on Mommy but we're sure it'll pay off when she goes to her 4-month appointment on Wednesday.

Claire also enjoyed playing in the exersaucer this week - and Annabelle actually let her. She's still a bit unbalanced but both loved playing with the toys.
All in all a very nice week. The whole family slept through fireworks - it was busy! (see above) - but rebounded with a trip to Capron Park Zoo this morning. Annabelle wasn't too impressed and Claire just wanted to sleep but Daddy enjoyed his first trip to the zoo and Mommy and Daddy had fun feeding the llamas, goats and ducks - quack quack...