Monday, July 20, 2009

Bubbles, bubbles everywhere!

Claire's only happy standing this week - or trying to escape from her chair...unless you surround her with stuffed animals on the floor and then she'll giggle forever!

Both girls are still giving Mommy and Daddy (mostly Mom!) a run for their money as they don't want to sleep. Belle's having separation anxiety in her crib at night and Claire's so hungry that no amount of rice cereal in the bottle, meals during the day, 6-ounce bottles or increased doses of Prilosec can cure so back to the doctor for advice. They said to give her until 5 months but what do we do then? Ah, the joys of parenting...

Annabelle still doesn't like walking around on the grass without assistance but loves playing on the deck or the front porch. The new word spoken constantly around the Griffith household is "Bubbles!" which can either mean bubbles or goldfish, from her book, "B is for Bear," since her favorite page reads, "G is for Goldfish, blowing bubbles of air." She's also taking to watching "Baby" like a hawk and needs to know where she is or what she's doing at all times!

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