Monday, April 19, 2010

Winslow Farm and a Visit from Uncle Jeremy!

This week the Griffith Girls took a trip to Winslow Farm in Norton, an animal sanctuary where most of the wildlife roam free; in fact, a donkey walked right up to Claire in the stroller. We didn't see any cows but we did find sheep, goats, horses, peacock, geese and a pot-belly pig!

On Friday, Gaga came to visit after a trip to the new house in Connecticut. We enjoyed our short visit and were glad that he was able to surprise Uncle Jeremy who flew in that same evening. The girls loved having two of their favorite men in the house and can't wait for a repeat visit. Belle and Uncle Jeremy became best buds - she loved having him read to her and "chat" with Raoul D and Georgie :-)

Claire, for her part, got a new nickname from Uncle Jeremy and Daddy - "Wild Mike" from the movie, Barnyard since her hair is so wild and crazy. Way better than "Super Tanker" so we'll take it. Of course, Mommy's still partial to Clairey, CC Bear, Bear and CC-Licious :-)

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