Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Three C's: Chocolate, Circus and Ceremony!

Now this week, I remember! We started out by formalizing a new tradition in the Griffith Household whereby Daddy goes to Dunkin Donuts on Saturday and Sunday, returning with a large iced coffee for him and a chocolate glazed donut for each of the girls (with one bite for Mommy)!

Also this week, Claire decided to attempt feeding herself applesauce - quite a site indeed.

We also took our first trip to the circus and the girls were amazing, lasting two hours before getting fussy after intermission. Truth be told, Patrick and I were ready to go by then too! We got to see elephants, clowns, tigers and all sorts of acts. Oh and Claire threw a shoe down the tunnel so a nice security guard had to go get it for us - oops!

We also started exploring and playing around with the water table that our neighbor, Kathy, gave to us. Next up, adding more toys and putting on bathings suits so we can enjoy the full effect!

And then today we were lucky to have been included in a very special naming ceremony for the son of two of our very best friends. It was beautiful, filled with family, friends and love - truly an event as gorgeous as the weather outside. Of course only Daddy got to participate since the girls were having too much fun playing with Tyler and Zach's toys, but Mommy's trying to realize they are only 1 and 2 years old - and thinking she needs to get them out to more playgroups for socialization!

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