Tuesday, August 17, 2010

SteveSongs and Maple Glen

This week, we witnessed the girls' personalities starting to come out in full force. Claire likes to hold court at the table and Belle likes to make funny faces and try on hats - but don't ask her to wear them outside!
The highlights of the week included a trip to the Cape for Mommy, the girls and Elyse to see SteveSongs at the Cape Cod Playhouse. We weren't sure what traffic would be like (figured there was none on Thursday!) so we were an hour early for the show. We walked around the beautiful grounds, admiring the flowers, fence posts, etc. and then it was time for the show.

Annabelle sat in her own seat most of the time, smiling and dancing in her seat. Claire, on the other hand, did not have a good time so we all left after 45 minutes. It was a bummer but overall a good experience since it was their first time at a concert. Mommy will plan to take Belle to see SteveSongs again in November when he's in the area, just the two of us!

On Friday, the girls and Mommy took our second long car ride in as many weeks, this time to Maple Glen, PA to see Gaga, Grandma Janice, Ben, Cathy and lots of Mommy's friends. It was a pretty good drive but we were happy to arrive. Belle was a little frightened by Wally, the 1 year old puppy mix and by the cat (she told me on the way down, "Mommy, I really don't like cats" but both girls had a lot of fun. It was hard to believe that we hadn't been down to visit since Belle was five months old and that this was Claire's first time in Pennsylvania.

On Saturday, we had brunch with the Freedmans, with Belle having fun in the playroom with Claire. Both loved playing in the sandbox and Claire was a big fan of the swings. While Mommy was at her friend, Christine's, bridal shower, Claire napped and Belle played. Then, it was time to meet Kim, Payal and Stef (plus Stef's son, Daniel) for gelato. It was delicious! Belle loved the cafe so much that she took her shoes off and ran around like she owned the place!

While at Gaga and Grandma's, we had a lot of fun playing with some of Mommy's old toys, including a car that Gaga had made for Mommy when she was little. Gaga offered to repaint it and clean it up so Belle requested purple, of course!

Belle, at least, is also starting to get into Mommy's 1/2 marathon training, saying, "Mommy, you go run now?" everytime I pull out my sneakers. She's great motivation!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Just an FYI that Steve will be back at the Cape Playhouse Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. Visit www.stevsongs.com for more info! Thanks!! :)

    SteveSongs Promotions
