Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Girls Have Skills

This has been quite a week. Belle suddenly got off her knees and started walking (! She is so proud of herself and has been gradually walking more and more each day. Of course that means she's extremely hyper and has traded her 8:00 p.m. bedtime for a 9:30 one, much to Mommy and Daddy's chagrin, so we're trying to get her back on schedule.

Claire, for her part, learned to roll over, but only in her crib at night - boy, is she proud of herself, though, laughing, smiling and kicking when she accomplishes this impressive feat. We truly are blessed to have such sweet, smart and sassy girls! :-)

Annabelle also really loves her role as big sister and is always trying to hold Claire or get her to sit or lay next to her. It's very cute and we hope the closeness continues...

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