Sunday, May 10, 2009

My, How Time Flies!

Hard to believe but Claire is now two months old!!! Weighing in at 10 pounds 12 ounces and 22 inches, she's our little amazon. She's smiling and laughing all the time now, and is sleeping at night in 4-5 hour stretches which is a nice break. Annabelle has finally started becoming more interested in walking and is doing a great job walking holding just one hand - even outside on the grass, sidewalk and street. She's taking a few steps on her own too so we're hopeful that 16 months will be the magic age! And we had a great first Mother's Day with Claire. Daddy and Belle picked out sweet cards, beautiful white roses and a wonderful meal and dessert. Daddy and Mommy even got to enjoy a little time to themselves while the girls napped - chocolate brownie ice cream with creamy caramel sauce and "Bedtime Stories."

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