Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Today we celebrated our first Father's Day with Baby Claire. Belle and Claire made Daddy's a stepping stone with their footprints and all of the kids, including Reilly, gave him cute cards. Mommy was going to make breakfast but since she can't cook bacon or an omelet, Daddy said the gift would be if he cooked and the girls stayed quiet ;-) Belle's real present to Daddy, though, is that she's now addicted to Family Guy or "ee guy" as she calls it. She wants to watch it all the time and has started to sing the theme song in her own way - I think that makes us bad parents but at least she doesn't understand yet...

Belle and Claire love to play together and Annabelle's figured out she can push Claire in her rocker around the house. Claire doesn't mind - too much anyway!

This week also saw Belle using a big-girl booster seat - no more high chair! She's even eating a little better now that she can sit at the table.

The excitement of the week was Mommy taking Claire to the doctor because she was bright red, screaming and had tears streaming down her face - turns out that our 12 pound 13 ounce munchkin is just going through a growth spurt and is really hungry. Mommy felt silly but was relieved to know that her baby is doing just fine!

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