Sunday, June 14, 2009

Playdate and other fun

On Wednesday, Mommy's friend, Bluma, came with Baby Sadie, who's three weeks younger than Claire (they were hoping they'd be born at the same time so the Moms could hang out at Newton-Wellesley!). Annabelle loved playing with Sadie, wanting her to sit next to her just like Claire does. The babies held hands, cooed at each other and made faces as the adults sang funny songs to them.

It was a relatively quiet week because it was so rainy outside but the girls made the best of it and patiently put up with lots of picture taking - can you blame us though? They are way too cute and get cuter by the hour!!! We're truly enjoying our little girls and are amazed at their interactions. Belle's running around the house, scaring her sister in her excitement but Claire's secretly practicing her coordination and once she figures out how her arms and legs work, she'll quickly crawl after her sister - watch out, Reilly!
In other news, Belle's doing much better with sleeping, though her bedtime is still later than we'd like. Claire is sleeping in 6-hour stretches and we think she'd be able to make it through the night if only she'd stop rolling herself over. Despite the sleep-deprivation, it is so sweet to hear her talking and laughing to herself at 2:00 a.m. - at least until I have to get up to feed her and put her back to sleep...

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