Friday, October 23, 2009

Busy Couple of Weeks

It's been crazy around the Griffith house but we're having a blast - except for the sleep deprivation. For some reason, Annabelle has been waking up several times a night for the last two weeks, requiring one of us to sleep on the floor next to her crib. Claire started sleeping through the night the very evening Belle had trouble but has, herself, been up the past three nights so we're not sure what's going on. We're just trying to tell ourselves it's only temporary and probably has a lot to do with teething. But we're having fun too!

Mommy's friend, Christine, came to visit us before starting her new job. We had so much fun and are super excited that's she back from San Francisco so we can see much more of her and Dave - and Belle wants to meet her kitties as well! The girls really enjoyed their books on San Francisco - almost as much as exploring "Tine's" purse and trying on her boots! :-)

We also tried in vain to find cows for Miss Belle but who knew they were seasonal and have been put inside for the winter - oh well! Instead, we took a trip to Daddy's office and both girls had fun exploring the "toys" on his desk.

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