Monday, October 12, 2009

A Visit from Bubbe and Aunt Carole

We had a great time visiting with Bubbe and Aunt Carole. From Providence Place Mall - complete with lunch at Joe's American Bar and Grill, at which the girls were perfect! - to buying toys for Reilly at Petco and brunch at Skipjack's jazz brunch, it was a perfect weekend.

The girls even got to try on their Halloween costumes and looked so very cute!

It's been a fun week milestone-wise too, as Belle continues to try to potty-train Georgie and Claire spins and moves around on her stomach - who needs legs? If only Belle would stop waking up at 2am and ending up in bed with Mommy and Daddy - baby steps though. At least Claire's sleeping from 8:30-6:30 more often than not :-)

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