Sunday, January 3, 2010

Belle's 2nd birthday week

Annabelle Reese turned 2 on December 28. While we're still not sure how it's possible that two years has gone by so far, we sure had fun celebrating.

Gaga, Grandma Janice and Uncle Ben - with Coco the Dog - came to visit December 26 so we got to spend Belle's actual birthday with them.

Bubbe came on December 29 so that Mommy and Daddy could have their first overnight without the kids for New Year's - we had a blast in Providence - and then helped prepare for Belle's birthday party on January 2. In between, we shared many laughs, lots of good food, a little shopping and plenty of movies and books.

The whole family is looking forward to starting 2010 with a clean slate and hoping for a year that's a little smoother along the way.

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