Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Fresh Start...

Mommy thought that in kicking her life off to a fresh start, that it was about time she picked up the blog so you could all stay informed on the latest and greatest in our lives.

This week Daddy was in Raleigh, N.C. (or Lina as Belle calls it) so Mommy had two girls with colds to contend with. It led to little sleep (especially since her colitis is flairing up), but it was also fun to hang out - and Daddy did call us twice a day.

We can tell that preschool is helping Belle because her vocabulary is growing by leaps and bounds. She's also stringing several words together. For example, upon Mommy asking her what she wanted for dinner this week and her replying "Cuckoo" (chicken), Mommy then asked if she'd like to eat now, to which she replied, "No, don't be silly!" Excuse me! I think we're in for some trouble ahead.

Claire, for her part, is walking up a storm and is getting more and more steady - which would explain why she's holding her own a bit better with her sister.

We were supposed to go to Binghamton to see Great Grandma Fiorelli who was having surgery for thyroid cancer, but Daddy decided that with all of us sick, we should just stay home. Instead, we tried out Burpee's seed greenhouse to see if it helps with the first vegetable garden we're going to attempt this year. Mommy also hard-boiled some eggs and today we decorated them. Claire and Belle didn't really like the taste of the eggs but they did feel neat.

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