Monday, June 28, 2010

A Week of Milestones!

While Daddy's away, the girls sure do play! :-)

What a week we had! Lots of errands and shopping and quality of time. While Mommy worked most days and the girls played with Elyse, we spent the late afternoons together. One of my favorite moments was going to Mansfield Crossing with the girls to look for new shoes for Belle. After stopping in quite a few stores, I asked Belle if she wanted pizza and she said, "Yes!" so the three of us headed to Papa Gino's. It was my first attempt eating out with the girls by myself and while I was nervous, I have to admit it went very well and we had fun! We spent another afternoon at Border's, with both girls exploring, picking out new books and having fun playing with oversized stuffed animals...

We also played dress-up this week, trying on new rain gear from Bubbe - hats, boots and coats - and experimenting with hairstyles. Claire allowed Elyse - not Mommy - to put her hair into the cutest pigtails which was adorable!

Biggest news of all for the week though? Miss Claire used the potty TWICE this week (her sister? not at all...). While we're not really trying to potty train her just yet, we figured it might be time to teach her that the potty chair isn't for standing in or putting toys in.

Such a great week but boy were we tired...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Matthew and Margaret's Wedding

It was a fun-filled and busy week. Monday and Tuesday the girls went with Elyse to Flag Day storytime at the Norton Public Library and then to Storytime with Tigger at CBS Scene at Patriot Place. What a treat for them! Annabelle made a couple of projects and Claire got to hug Tigger - I have to ask Elyse for her pictures...

On Friday we left for a whirlwind 36 hour trip to Binghamton for Patrick's cousin's wedding and what a time we had. The girls had a blast running around Grandma and Grandpa Fiorelli's house, with Mommy worrying that they would break something in the clearly not baby-proofed house, but all went well and the grandparents really enjoyed having little voices and feet around their home.

Saturday found us sitting in a hot church for the ceremony so the girls and I promptly headed down to the nursery where we played with balloons, dolls and markers.

Later in the day, we drove to the Ithaca area for the reception at Taughannock State Park. What a beautiful location! The girls were not fond of sitting in the pavillion but adored running around outside. Daddy even taught them how to skip rocks. Belle and Claire were the life of the party, posing for the cameras and showing the photographers how much they love to dance and blow bubbles, thanks to Aunt Tanya who gave them bubble wands.

It was a long and exhausting weekend - and a slow drive - but we were glad to have even just a few hours to spend with family. Next time we need a longer trip so we can visit friends as well.

And here are a couple of cute pictures of Elyse and the girls, including a couple with Claire in cute pigtails that she let Elyse put in...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sisterly Love

Annabelle decided to enter full-on dress-up mode this weekend, loving the Cinderella dress-up costume she got from the Gallaghers for her birthday back in December. She loved posing on the steps. She also pretended to be a walrus by sticking straws in her teeth!

Belle also figured her sister isn't going anywhere so she might want to start being a little nicer, so she gives her kisses every night before bed and wants Claire to sit on her lap whenever possible.

Last night was Belle's preschool graduation. She was scared and overwhelmed by all the people so she sat on Daddy's lap and watched the ceremony but she was so cute and sweet - and enjoyed some cake at the end! She also seemed to enjoy the video they put together with photos of all the kids over the year. Claire, for her part, was unstoppable, having a blast running around the yard, playing with toys and trying to catch balloons - she also wanted to swing and play tag with the big kids! This is the outfit Belle picked out to wear...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Loving the Outdoors!

We spent a lot of time outside this week, enjoying the gorgeous weather!

One of Belle's favorite activities walking to Wheaton College to feed the ducks (with Goldfish crackers, of course). There's usually just one duck, who has now gotten to know us and will come out of the water and walk toward us when he sees us coming. He got a little too close this time so I held Claire but Belle loved throwing crackers for him to eat. And, we saw a goose family with six little babies who were cute and fuzzy. Talk about a close-up with nature.

Friday was Belle's last day of school so she brought her bathing suit for some sprinkler fun. Unfortunately, Mommy accidently soaked her earlier in the week with the sprinkler and hose when trying to fill up the water table so things didn't go well but the teachers were very patient with her. While she was at school, Claire enjoyed riding the tricycle in peace :-)

Friday afternoon brought a special treat - a visit from the Siegel's: Leah, Ethan and Baby Shayna. Belle is very into babies these days (as long as they aren't her sister) so she insisted on holding Shayna and giving her as many hugs on her lap as she good! Claire, for her part, was taken by Ethan - attracted to older men already...

On Saturday night, we attended a neighborhood cookout to wish a fond farewell to our next door neighbors. It was a hot, sticky evening but we all had a blast. While Belle sat in her stroller eating and taking it all in, Claire insisted on playing Red Light/Green Light, Simon Says and Kickball with the big kids. Unfortunately, she's so little that she got taken out a few times but you should have seen the grin on her face - priceless!