Monday, June 28, 2010

A Week of Milestones!

While Daddy's away, the girls sure do play! :-)

What a week we had! Lots of errands and shopping and quality of time. While Mommy worked most days and the girls played with Elyse, we spent the late afternoons together. One of my favorite moments was going to Mansfield Crossing with the girls to look for new shoes for Belle. After stopping in quite a few stores, I asked Belle if she wanted pizza and she said, "Yes!" so the three of us headed to Papa Gino's. It was my first attempt eating out with the girls by myself and while I was nervous, I have to admit it went very well and we had fun! We spent another afternoon at Border's, with both girls exploring, picking out new books and having fun playing with oversized stuffed animals...

We also played dress-up this week, trying on new rain gear from Bubbe - hats, boots and coats - and experimenting with hairstyles. Claire allowed Elyse - not Mommy - to put her hair into the cutest pigtails which was adorable!

Biggest news of all for the week though? Miss Claire used the potty TWICE this week (her sister? not at all...). While we're not really trying to potty train her just yet, we figured it might be time to teach her that the potty chair isn't for standing in or putting toys in.

Such a great week but boy were we tired...

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