Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Matthew and Margaret's Wedding

It was a fun-filled and busy week. Monday and Tuesday the girls went with Elyse to Flag Day storytime at the Norton Public Library and then to Storytime with Tigger at CBS Scene at Patriot Place. What a treat for them! Annabelle made a couple of projects and Claire got to hug Tigger - I have to ask Elyse for her pictures...

On Friday we left for a whirlwind 36 hour trip to Binghamton for Patrick's cousin's wedding and what a time we had. The girls had a blast running around Grandma and Grandpa Fiorelli's house, with Mommy worrying that they would break something in the clearly not baby-proofed house, but all went well and the grandparents really enjoyed having little voices and feet around their home.

Saturday found us sitting in a hot church for the ceremony so the girls and I promptly headed down to the nursery where we played with balloons, dolls and markers.

Later in the day, we drove to the Ithaca area for the reception at Taughannock State Park. What a beautiful location! The girls were not fond of sitting in the pavillion but adored running around outside. Daddy even taught them how to skip rocks. Belle and Claire were the life of the party, posing for the cameras and showing the photographers how much they love to dance and blow bubbles, thanks to Aunt Tanya who gave them bubble wands.

It was a long and exhausting weekend - and a slow drive - but we were glad to have even just a few hours to spend with family. Next time we need a longer trip so we can visit friends as well.

And here are a couple of cute pictures of Elyse and the girls, including a couple with Claire in cute pigtails that she let Elyse put in...

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