Sunday, April 26, 2009

Grandpa Sina Visits

We were lucky enough to have Grandpa Sina visit for several days this week. We went for a walk, played and read a lot and put him to work, painting a bookcase he built and helping Patrick clear out brush in the backyard. Grandpa also made monkey bread and a couple of great dinners, teaching Mommy and Daddy some good tips along the way...Annabelle became Momma's Girl this week so we think Grandpa has a new favorite in Claire, who instantly relaxed most of the time in his arms -it was a great time had by all! :-)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Claire and Annabelle Start to Bond

This week saw the two girls spending more time looking at and checking each other out. Claire loves her big sister, while Annabelle still enjoys treating her like a Cabbage Patch kid, touching her face, shaking her hands and kissing her feet and belly. The Griffith Girls are starting to get into a routine, taking lots of walks now that it's nice, in addition to trips to Target and Hannaford's. Belle's looking forward to her visit with "Gaga" aka. Grandpa Sina this week, pointing to his picture and smiling.

Claire's all finished with her antibiotics, though she still has fluid in her ears. We're trying her on Prilosec and a new formula this week as she may have a milk protein allergy, plus reflux/colic so wish us luck!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Claire at 1 Month!

We're happy to report that Claire is growing by leaps and bounds. At her one-month checkup this week, she weighed in at 8 pounds 13 ounces and 21 inches long, gaining two pounds exactly since birth! Aside from the dubious distinction of being the first Griffith girl with an ear infection, poor girl, the doctors say she looks wonderful and you'd never know she was a preemie!

Mommy and Daddy say that I have to be careful about picking on Claire because she'll probably be bigger than me (she's the 30th and 40th percentiles to my 5th and 8th percentiles and is already bigger than I was at 2 months old!). She already scoots from the bottom of the crib to the top, can roll over and boy does she have strong legs. I keep trying to share my snacks with her and don't understand why she'd rather have her bottle but that's okay, I love her anyway!

I'm growing and changing a lot too. I'm repeating lots of words (be careful, Mommy and Daddy!), pointing to pictures to communicate and mastering more sign language. They say I'm pretty smart and I've inherited my Daddy's sense of humor so watch out world!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Chocoholic is Born!!

This week saw visits from Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Sina, plus Mommy's friend, Christine! Both must really know how much Mommy loves chocolate and that there was a good chance I'd follow in her footsteps because not only did I help make brownies for the first time (and then eat them for breakfast!) but Christine gave me my first taste of Dunkin Donut's Munchkins and of course I loved the chocolate ones the best. I even tried to share them with Claire - really I just wanted to trade for her bottle. Oh yeah, and I'm learning to love my little sister more and more every day but she sure does cry a lot (it's fun to mimic her) and I'm not sure I like sharing her with Mommy.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Start of a New Adventure!

Mom says since all of our family lives far away that we should enter the world of blogging so Claire and I can share our adventures with all of you. We're new to this so bear with us, but we promise to provide updates on all of our exciting activities as often as we can.
