Saturday, April 18, 2009

Claire and Annabelle Start to Bond

This week saw the two girls spending more time looking at and checking each other out. Claire loves her big sister, while Annabelle still enjoys treating her like a Cabbage Patch kid, touching her face, shaking her hands and kissing her feet and belly. The Griffith Girls are starting to get into a routine, taking lots of walks now that it's nice, in addition to trips to Target and Hannaford's. Belle's looking forward to her visit with "Gaga" aka. Grandpa Sina this week, pointing to his picture and smiling.

Claire's all finished with her antibiotics, though she still has fluid in her ears. We're trying her on Prilosec and a new formula this week as she may have a milk protein allergy, plus reflux/colic so wish us luck!

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