Thursday, April 9, 2009

Claire at 1 Month!

We're happy to report that Claire is growing by leaps and bounds. At her one-month checkup this week, she weighed in at 8 pounds 13 ounces and 21 inches long, gaining two pounds exactly since birth! Aside from the dubious distinction of being the first Griffith girl with an ear infection, poor girl, the doctors say she looks wonderful and you'd never know she was a preemie!

Mommy and Daddy say that I have to be careful about picking on Claire because she'll probably be bigger than me (she's the 30th and 40th percentiles to my 5th and 8th percentiles and is already bigger than I was at 2 months old!). She already scoots from the bottom of the crib to the top, can roll over and boy does she have strong legs. I keep trying to share my snacks with her and don't understand why she'd rather have her bottle but that's okay, I love her anyway!

I'm growing and changing a lot too. I'm repeating lots of words (be careful, Mommy and Daddy!), pointing to pictures to communicate and mastering more sign language. They say I'm pretty smart and I've inherited my Daddy's sense of humor so watch out world!

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