Sunday, November 8, 2009

8 Months Already!

Today was a gorgeous day so while Daddy was at work (boo!), the Griffith girls went grocery shopping, took a long walk with Reilly and spent an afternoon playing in the grass and blowing bubbles - what a fantastic Fall memory for us!

Hard to believe that Claire is eight months old already! At 18.5 pounds, she's 4 pounds shy of her sister and gaining ground rapidly. Now that she's mastered crawling, we're in trouble! Nothing's safe from toys to books, body parts to Belle's snacks. And she's onto her next skill-building mission - pulling herself up to standing and trying to stand by herself for a few seconds.

Annabelle is getting more and more adventure and comfortable around others as well. She had a great playdate with her friend, Nate, and Mommy enjoyed catching up with Jannatha - mommy time is always appreciated and needed.
Claire refuses to eat baby food these days so she and Annabelle now tend to eat the same things, though she hasn't discovered blueberries the way her sister has.

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