Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Adventures in Potty Training

I'm not sure why we have so many toys for the girls when their favorite rooms to play in these days are the guest room and the bathroom. Claire loves to crawl onto the middle of the floor and look around - "Do I hit my head on the potty, play with the toilet paper, try to splash in Reilly's bowl? So many choices!" And while Belle's only peed once and had one near-success with #2 (don't ask!), she loves to sit - fully clothed or naked, with Georgie or without - and hang out on the potty. She has to have toilet paper and now likes to pose. She'd sit there all day if she could but since her routine also requires Claire and me to sit on the lid of the big potty and watch her, it gets a little old after awhile...

Claire's having her own adventures. She pulls herself up to standing on everything and can stand next to you with just one hand. We think she'll be walking in no time and we have to buy gates, something we didn't need with Belle, because she's very curious about the steps. This kid has no fear and every day it's a miracle that she doesn't dive off the bed or the couch.
This Thanksgiving, we're grateful for the two beautiful cuties we have in our lives and are trying to appreciate that while it may not always be easy, it's always a gift, a blessing!

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