Monday, November 16, 2009

What a Week!

The girls had a great week and while Annabelle is not happy with Claire crawling, insisting on hitting her on the head to deter her from playing with her toys or touching her snacks, they are also starting to play well together. Of course, Belle's also teaching Claire to do things she shouldn't, like open Daddy's cabinets, but they are also finally big enough that they can ride together in the wagon Gaga gave them last year...

And now that Claire is crawling, she's decided to master pulling herself up to standing and can even stand for a few seconds by herself. She's also cut at least one more tooth and thinks she wants to tackle the stairs next too...Watch out world!

Annabelle and Georgie are still the best of friends; in fact, Georgie's potty-training has gone so well that Belle decided to try her potty herself. After a few days of sitting on the potty fully clothed and then sitting naked but not doing anything, on Sunday she peed in the potty for the very first time! Now, Mommy's task for the week is to start a potty chart so we can collect stickers, particularly Disney Princess stickers if we can find them.

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