Monday, July 5, 2010

Pink Toes and the Southwick Zoo

What a fun week! The girls continued to have a blast with Elyse with Belle still talking about the fact that Elyse did her toes for the first time. Check out the pretty pink toes, which Belle has to show everyone - from Reilly to Mommy, Daddy and Claire.

Claire continues to enjoy using the potty, trying at least a few times a day, succeeding several times a week and now starting a routine where she runs into the bathroom, shouting "pee pee pee pee." Today she used Belle's new potty that sings when you go and I've never seen her jump so high as when it started singing to her.

Both girls are really expanding their vocabularies which is both good and bad. Claire loves to say "hi," "Dad," Sis," "Please," "Fish," and "That" these days. Belle is stringing full sentences together and holding regular conversations. Some of the best: "Mommy, Raoul's name is Pooky." "No, I'm going to waste food." And, upon being asked if she wanted lunch yesterday, "No, thank you. I'll wait for the brownies to be ready." That's my girl!

We had a very relaxing 4th of July weekend. No fireworks or BBQs but plenty of time spent playing outside with bubbles, balls and water, in addition to taking walks and just enjoying time with the four of us together.

Today we took a family trip to Southwick Zoo for the first time and had a fantastic morning/early afternoon. From the monkeys to the giraffes, the rhino to the petting zoo, there was so much to see and do that we didn't really mind the 95 degree temperature. Of course the misting tents did help!

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