Monday, July 19, 2010

Animal Addiction

No pictures this week since the entire Griffith Family was sick in one way or another, giving the camera a much-needed break. That doesn't mean we didn't have some fun though.

The girls and I set off to further our love of animals by traveling to a couple of different fun places: Ward's Berry Farm and Petco.

Ward's Berry Farm was a big hit, for despite the misty rain and the hot, humid temperatures, Belle finally got to see her cows - five, in fact! She wanted to know why they had tags in their ears and if they itched like the tags in her clothes do. We also saw sheep (which both girls had fun imitating), plus goats (which Mommy gave feed to), chickens, roosters, donkeys, miniature horses, ducks, roosters and bunnies.

Our Petco trip was born from Belle's desire to see guinea pigs and it didn't disappoint. From guinea pigs to tropical fish (she put in a request for a Finding Nemo or Ariel tropical fish tank kit on the shelves there), turtles to ferrets, the girls enjoyed running around and saying hi to all the animals. They even got to pet a huge dog named "Lucky" who was there getting food with his owner.

It was a big week milestone-wise as well. Not only have the girls begun to play better together but last night we took the front off Claire's crib, converting it into a toddler bed; since she's learned to scale halfway up, we thought we'd better get moving before she figures out how to get to the top and fall off. While she had trouble getting to sleep since we also removed the glider from her room - until Daddy worked his magic - she slept from 9-6 (something that hasn't happened in months). Of course she may have slept longer but fell out of her bed - don't worry, it was only about six inches, which is why we skipped the toddler rail that she'd somehow manage to get stuck on if we installed it...

Belle, for her part, is channeling her mother, teaching me all the phrases I say too much. Her newest and favorite this weekend, "Sorry, I can't, Mommy. I only have two hands." Oh dear! It's a wild ride but one that's oh so much fun.

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