Monday, July 12, 2010

Pool Party!

It was a long, hot week around here, so Elyse did everything she could think of to keep the girls cool, no easy task since Belle continues to be terrified of the water thanks to Mommy accidently spraying her with the sprinkler while trying to fill up the water table in May - I will never live that one down, evidently! We did enjoy non-water activities like playing with balls and chalk - and of course some walks before it got too hot.

Sunday we celebrated Zach Kondrat's 1st birthday and for the first time Claire put on a bathing suit and got in the pool. She had a blast, playing and splashing in the "big kids pool" and having a blast climbing up the ladder and down the slide onto the makeshift slip-n-slide tarp. Belle was a little too much like her Mommy, echoing the refrain, "Ka boom. You okay? Be careful" to all the kids as they played in the water. We think she's also just sensitive to temperature as Patrick got her to stand in the water but she was complaining that the "awoo" (water) was too cold. Here are some fun pictures of Claire, the water baby.

The girls are also starting to become friends, sitting next to each other and playing together more often. Belle looks out for Claire when she's not feeling jealous and is her sister's biggest cheerleader as Claire continues to work on potty training, going at least once a day in the potty. They grow up so fast!!!

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