Monday, September 20, 2010

Another Week, Another Farm...

Last week was Belle's first day of school. Wednesday got off to a bit of a rough start because she didn't want to wear shoes or a jacket but once she got to school, she did very well. A couple of tears here and there but a big smile on her face come pick-up. We cuddled on the couch for a few minutes after school before I had to go back upstairs to work and Nina captured these sweet pictures.

Friday's drop-off was much smoother and she had a fantastic day! Here I was trying to capture the first day of school picture that I missed on Wednesday but Claire stole the spotlight - which somehow I don't think Belle minded.

On Sunday, Belle wanted to go see animals and get pumpkins so we took our first trip to Lookout Farm. The girls seemed to enjoy riding the train to the orchards and kids play area. We didn't pick apples because we had just gotten a big bag the day before but we explored the grounds, peeked at the animals and bought apple butter, apple cider donuts and apple pie.
We also picked out pumpkins which proved to be a very difficult decision.

By last night, we were all pretty tired so it was fun time on the couch. Belle tried on Daddy's baseball hat and Claire rocked her Cars jammies which I had initially bought as a Halloween costume but which have since been turned back into jammies since Belle would now like both of them to be giraffes - anyone in need of a Curious George costume? ;-)

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