Wednesday, September 8, 2010

East Haddam and Nina's First Week

Week 1 with Nina went great. She and the girls instantly hit it off, with Belle especially showing her all of her toys. Here they had fun making Playdough cakes.

On Saturday we went to visit Gaga and Grandma Janice at their new house in East Haddam. What a beautiful house and hopefully not too worse for wear with the girls who had fun running around the house and testing out the floors - sans clothes - or diapers - because that's how they roll!

We also "celebrated" Claire's 18 month birthday and realized why she looks like she's as big as Belle - because she is. At her 18-month check-up, she weighed in at 26.4 pounds and 33 inches, which is about as big as Belle was at her 2.5 year visit in late June. Wow, no wonder people always ask if they are twins!

We've had a blast running around, laughing, playing and being silly - which makes the frequent temper tantrums so much easier to deal with. We're looking forward to how much more changing and growing the girls will do this Fall, especially with Belle starting preschool again next week, while also beginning to show interest in potty-training!

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