Monday, September 13, 2010

Davis Farmland

It's Fall, which means it's football season! In between college games on Saturday and the NFL games on Sunday, we took a drive to Davis Farmland on Saturday, to see the animals and check out the scene. Belle was a little scared of having a strange person try to put a bracelet on her but once she calmed down, she really enjoyed all the different animals, especially the cows and the goats. Of course it figures that once she got comfortable enough to pet the animals, a goat mistook her hair for straw and started to eat it!

Claire, for her part, stuck her fingers in every gate and fence she could find so we're lucky we came home with all of her fingers!

On Sunday, while Claire napped upstairs and Mommy worked out, Daddy and Bellle assumed their standard football-watching positions - too cute for words!

We looked up this week and both girls looked so big and so grown-up suddenly. Claire loves to run around the house and watch movies, particularly "Cars..."

It's only appropriate, then, that she enjoyed a bowl of popcorn with Daddy while they watched Nascar!
Belle now wears a different pair of sunglasses every day - she's quite the fashion maven!

Preschool orientation was this morning so hopefully I can post a first day of school picture from Wednesday as part of my next blog post...

1 comment:

  1. Sorry some of the pictures are sideways but I couldn't figure out how to rotate them on the blog.
